October 15, 2009
September/October Prayer Update
Highs and lows of our move to Brooklyn (thus far):
High: Many new things to explore
Low: New systems and routines to learn
High: The food is incredibly good
Low: Our apartment shakes (we live next to the expressway)
High: Baking and eating chocolate cupcakes in New York
Low: I don’t know. There is nothing bad.
Please pray for:
- Our adjustment as a family to life in Brooklyn.
- The relationships we are establishing with people from the church and the neighborhood.
- The newcomers with whom David is meeting; that they would be cared for and get connected to the life of the church.
- The small group David is leading; that they would experience the power and presence of Christ.

October 1, 2009
We're in Brooklyn!

Our new address is:
117 Withers Street, Apt. 3R
Brooklyn, NY 11211
September 15, 2009
A Note from Mia

I’ve (jokingly) decided to vacate our current apartment because I can no longer sit still and relax in it. Yes, we are in the process of moving again – an exciting process, but packing is a little scary. We are ecstatic about beginning life and ministry in Brooklyn, NY. Yet it means another move – another resettling period – another round of goodbyes.
Our family has lived in Lawrenceville, GA (this time around) for close to 2 ½ years. It’s hard to believe that is possible.
This move back to Lawrenceville began as a visit to see how David’s mom was doing when she was ill. We’ve communicated often about the tragedy of losing her as well as David’s father.
Yet our time here has become much more than a visit to extended family. God has shown us much mercy here and His Church has given us great love. We have been well-cared for here, by so many of you – our dear family and friends. You have grieved with us, you have loaned us household goods, you’ve taken care of Jonah, a few of you gave us jobs. You have welcomed Hannah, you’ve celebrated with us, you have given us gifts, you are using or storing our excess belongings, you have prayed for us, many of you are supporting us, and you’ve given us a place to worship and serve the LORD. We are profoundly grateful. Thank you.
The irony of it all is that I’ve so often looked at this time in our lives as extremely hard. And I don’t want to downplay the difficulties of our experience. Yet, in the midst of that hardship, perhaps because of it, we have received grace, peace, and joy which I have found truly surprising.
Many of you want to know what our daily life will look like in Brooklyn, and I can’t wait to find out. Certain things there will be harder – like laundry, for example. But other things might be easier – we’ll be walking a lot, so we won’t have to set aside time to exercise.
We’re excited because, though our lives will look quite different in NY, we feel that we are responding to God’s call on our lives to mission. Brooklyn is full of all kinds of people that God made in His image. Please pray that we would know and love them well. Jesus has saved us and brought us into His Kingdom service. May our lives and your lives speak the gospel to the people among us and in the places He has given us in which to live.
September 1, 2009
August 24, 2009
August Prayer Update
Prayer Update August 2009
We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in the newness of life. - Romans 6:4

Greetings from Lawrenceville, GA! The page is turning. We are closing out a chapter in our lives and opening a new one. We will be moving to Brooklyn on October 1. Please pray for our apartment search during our visit to Brooklyn from August 28 – September 1. Please also pray for our preparations to move to Brooklyn.
New Beginnings: Hannah was baptized on August 16! We were excited to celebrate the love Christ has for her and the union he desires with her. Please praise God with us for Hannah’s baptism. Please pray that Hannah and Jonah would be identified with Christ and his work for them.
Many people will walk through the doors of Resurrection Presbyterian Church for the first time this fall. Each person, believer and unbeliever, will bring their own particular joys and struggles to be met with the gospel. Please pray for God to use Resurrection Presbyterian Church to serve and love all of the people who come in such a way that Christ may be glorified.
NO SLEEP TIL BROOKLYN CHALLENGE: Please praise God with us that over 50% of our financial support has been raised! We are so thankful for many of you who have already partnered with us through prayer and giving in our mission to Brooklyn. We are in most need in the areas of $50 and $100 monthly commitments. You can follow weekly updates at http://stancils.blogspot.com about Brooklyn and us. Please pray for our financial support and consider giving to us in one of the following ways.
1. Monthly Commitment
We are seeking people to give:
$250 monthly $100 monthly
$50 monthly $25 monthly
$10 monthly
2. One-Time Gift
We are seeking people to give:
$1000 $500
$250 $100
Giving: Please make checks payable to Brooklyn Church Project. Indicate “Stancil Support” on the memo line. Send checks to the following address:
Brooklyn Church Project
c/o Park Slope Presbyterian Church
174 Prospect Park West, Apt. 1L
Brooklyn, NY 11215
You can also give online at
Click on Give, then Give online.
Type in your information and select the category: Pastoral Intern.
We will continue to contact you about financially partnering with us.
We are grateful for your love and support.
Peace to You,
David & Mia